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This 66 page book "tells about the many styles of handspindles and how they have been used by people through the ages and around the world. This is also an instruction manual which you can use to teach yourself and others how to spin yarns from many natural fibers. Comparatively little research has been done on handspindles. A few geographical areas have been studied in some depth, but most have not been touched upon. Much of the information in this book is based on museum collections that are largely random and limited. And most of the available literature has been compiled by archaeologists and ethnographers, whose interest lies in spindles as artifacts. Generally, they have only a limited interest in spinning. [The author] has written this book from [her] viewpoint as a spinner with the hope that other spinners will use it as a basis for further exploring and experimenting in making and using handspindles." Many photos and illustrations are found throughout.